Providing comprehensive solutions for key parts installing, maintaining, and fixing of all kinds of vehicles in the process of cutting, grinding and polishing.
1.Aerospace & Gas Turbine

Application in cutting, grinding and shaping high efficient abrasives for turbine blades of airplane engines & gas turbine.
Main Applications
slow & deep grinding and ordinary grinding (including axial grinding and high presure cooling liquid grinding)
disc ajusting
fixing the cutting machine
rough grinding & reducing burrs
reducing welding point
slight reduce of furrs
surface process and precise working for metal and compound material
2.Shipping Industry
Providing all kinds of abrasivies for cutting, grinding, deburring, recucing stains and all surface process of shipping produce, repairing & renewing.
Main Applications:
grinding weld points and defurring
suface process
polishing & reducing stains
3. Tail Way Construction

Providing comprehensive shemes for maintainaning rail way, train making, train station making and renewing.
Main Application:
cutting for rail and heavy steel
outline grinding for rail and steel
cutting and gringding for rail
weld gap grinding
weld point & furr grinding
maitainance for platform, sleeper, buildings of station & road side
weld point grinding
process of reducing panels and suface
4.Industry of automobile parts

We will provide innovative abrasive solutions for engine parts manufacturing of motorcycles, cars, trucks and heavy construction equipment, which can help to adding value, reducing operating costs, improving quality and throughput,
Cylindrical grinding, crankshaft and camshaft grinding, centerless grinding
Internal grinding
Plane grinding
Double side grinding
Surface finishing
Wheel Dressing
Crankshaft and camshaft, gear processing